Distance Learning Young Naturalists Club

Signs of Spring!

The change from winter to spring is one of our favorite times of year! As nature lovers, we have missed seeing the plants and the critters moving around.

Tiny details can be a clue that spring is coming — even if it’s still cold!

Maple buds beginning to swell and open.
Tree buds swell (get bigger) in spring , getting ready to send out leaves. Left: Closed red maple bud. Right: Swollen maple bud. Photo: USA-NPN
Distance Learning Young Naturalists Club

Week 1 of the Young Naturalists Club

Juni shared this unusual horsetail plant in “Signs of Spring.”

Finding cool things in nature, noticing details, wondering — these are some of the most important skills for becoming a neighborhood naturalist! 

This week
, we are going to practice making observations. We’ll need to use all 5 of our senses to notice as much as possible! We’ll even send some of our observations to scientists to add to their data. 

Here’s what to expect:
Monday: Signs of Spring
Wednesday: Observing with iNaturalist
Friday: Week 1 Round-Up (plus dandelions!)

Head on to one of those activities to get started!

Distance Learning Young Naturalists Club


Usually, this time of year, Rural Action’s Environmental Education team would be outside with you all: leading field trips, visiting kids at schools, and exploring the woods and creeks.

But this year’s a little different. Since we can’t lead programs together in person, we’re exploring nature using the internet to connect us.

Follow along each week, and we’ll share nature activities you can do from home! Email us or post comments about how it went for you, so we can share in the fun together.

Each week will have a different theme. New activities come out Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And on Friday, we’ll showcase some of the cool photos and stories you’ve shared.

You can still go outside and follow COVID-19 physical distancing guidelines. These activities can be done in the average backyard or neighborhood green area. They are also make good activities on a family day hike. If you visit a park, just remember to maintain 6 feet of space between you and others, and that playgrounds are closed as of March 2020.

If you feel like you are too old or too young for an activity , you can change it — or email us and ask us for more!

If you are a teacher, we hope that these can also supplement some of your distance learning. Let us know if you have any suggestions or requests.

Who are we?

Darcy is the Environmental Education Program Manager. She loves gathering wild plants for food and medicine, and nature journaling.

Joe is the Environmental Education Program Director. He loves frogs and toads, birds, and survival skills.

Madison, Brett, Nate, Dani, and Nessa are our Environmental Education AmeriCorps members. You’ll get to meet them all soon!

Introduce yourself below! We’d love to say hi!