As new nature activities come out, we will add them here, like a table of contents.
You can jump in anytime, at any place!
Young Naturalists Club Activities
- Signs of Spring, Monday, March 30
- Observing with iNaturalist, Wednesday, April 1
- Observation Round-Up, Friday, April 3
Plants and Amphibians of Early Spring
- Vernal Pools (Part 1), Monday, April 6
- Ramps and Edible Plants, Wednesday, April 8
- Ecosystem in a Bottle, Friday, April 10
- Vernal Pools (Part 2), Monday, April 13
- Garlic Mustard, Wednesday, April 15
- Vernal Pool: Virtual Field Trip, Friday April 17
- Best of Nests, Monday, April 20
- Bird Migration, Weds, April 22
- What You Can Do to Help Birds, Friday, April 25
Streams and Creeks
- What’s the pH of your water?, Monday, May 4
- Acid Mine Drainage, Wednesday, May 6
- Fixing Acid Mine Drainage, Friday, May 8
Survival and Primitive Skills
- Basics of Survival, Monday, May 11
- Shelter Insulation, Wednesday, May 13
- How to Build a Shelter, Friday, May 15
- Water Filtration and Purification, Monday, May 18
- Using a Map and Compass, Wednesday, May 20
- Making Honeysuckle Baskets, Friday, May 25
Zero Waste
- What’s better than recycling?, Tuesday, May 26
- Why can I recycle this but not that?, Wednesday, June 3
- What is Pollination? Monday, July 13
- Pollinators, Part 2, Wednesday, July 15
Appalachian Ohio
- What did Appalachian Ohio use to look like? History time!
- Appalachian music
- Celebrate Indigenous People’s Day!
Fall lessons with virtual field trips
Our educators are also available for remote lessons with your classes or homeschooling groups, or involving your class in this blog project. Just email Darcy at!